Deposition, or placing the parrot into families
This is also a way how to help our parrots, but it's much more complicated than it is with dogs and cats in shelters. Parrots are much more intelligent and a change of home is so much harder for them. It is necessary for the future owner and the chosen parrot to suit each other, work well together and love each other. The interested person has to come to Laguna and gradually get to know placed parrots in our normal kind of way - feeding, cleaning, playing and exercising with the parrots. During these activities, mutual bonds between parrots and humans are created. If someone begins to get on well with one of the parrots, a trial placement in a new family is arranged. We have to count with the fact, that these parrots had all sorts of bad experiences, so their keeping is much more complicated than it is with a young healthy parrot. They also have some permanent health issues and it's sometimes necessary to adjust their diet and give them meds or supportive treatment according to our instructions. This temporary period is determined individually (few months) and the parrot is deposited for a definite period. The new owner has to cooperate with Laguna the whole time and inform us about all changes. If the trial period is in the favour of the parrot, the parrot is placed indefinitely. Even in this phase, the new owner has to inform Laguna about possible troubles with the parrot and Laguna helps to deal with the possible health or other issues. If anything serious happens in the new family of the parrot and the new owner can't provide further adequate care for the entrusted parrot, Laguna accepts him back priorly.
If you are interested in this form of help, don't hesitate and contact us via the contact form.
If interested, please contact us:
Aneta Franco
Phone number: +420 731 110 286
@: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Magdaléna Žohová
Phone number: +420 603 211 381
@: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.