You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Parrots get bored in their aviaries and homes every winter. There is no better way to entertain them than allow them fly in flocks. We provide an opportunity to you and your parrots to fly in a tennis hall, Tenis Cibulka each Friday and Sunday. There, you both can find new friends and your parrot can master his flying ability, discover the perspective from above and feel the power in his wings. You both can have loads of fun in this group. 

83383162 2843932788962350 3006069600702955520 n   84486536 3336792343002013 3253853518208958464 n   83314483 2843932722295690 2920930502649053184 n

84599717 2873011352721160 405523660967772160 n  84510275 2873011222721173 6273802700865929216 n

83325431 3304507856230462 6057390732023431168 n   84571169 3304506482897266 2122944880635281408 n   84616689 3304508612897053 5921524930582675456 n

83926333 475325723135229 3914430642363826176 o

Do you want to support parrots in the Laguna?

Details HERE


For one - off financial assistance use transparent bank account: 2501164977/2010
Bank: Fio banka, a.s.
IBAN: CZ70 2010 0000 0025 0116 4977

Transaction HERE